Last Party in the Hall, 12th July

Come for a last party in the school Hall on the 12th July from 6.30 pm to see the remaining 1955 school building before it gets demolished in August, to make a place for the new school. A great occasion to meet past staff and pupils.This event is for 18+ only. Buy your ticket…

Open School Afternoon, 5th July

Come and share your memories of Tufnell Park Primary School on the afternoon of 5th July during an Open School tour, before the 1955 building gets demolished in August. Reserve your 30 min slot or call school reception on 020 7607 4852.

Welcome friend!

We have just started this initiative and are aiming to grow our number of friends so talk to anyone you know that might be interested, and ask them to join. We will keep you posted on this page.